Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kids say the funniest things..

I've been meaning to post Noah's latest mangling of the english language, but keep forgetting. I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as I do. Have you ever heard a kid say something funny and then keep acting like you didn't hear it so he'll say it again?? I'm guilty as charged. It's just so funny when he says this that I can't help but make him repeat it. The conversation went like this:

"Mom, wanna go to papa's."

"Why do you want to go to papa's Noah?"

"Wanna ride in his hiccup truck."


"Wanna ride in his hiccup truck!! (with more fervor this time)

"Papa's what??" (by this time I know full well he means pickup truck, but I'm giggling)


"Oh, you mean his pickup truck??"

"Yeah, his hiccup truck, sheesh." (he's pretty disgusted w/me at this point & sheesh is a new one of his sayings too)

I'll have to write this one in his baby book.

On another note, here's a pic of Noah and his buddies trick-or-treating on the Fayetteville Square.

That's Sam the Monkey on the left, Riley the Astronaut in the middle, and Noah the Policeman.

The boys had a really good time. Riley's mom and Sam's mom have pics posted on their blogs too. You can find their links to the right: Tales of a Tool Woman and Rowdy Rogers.



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