Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

Christmas Day went off without a hitch at our house this year. That's a first!! Nevermind the fact that Noah was up at 1:30 a.m. It's a good thing Santa came early and that Noah was a bit too groggy to want to play. Whew!! Back to bed he went and didn't get up until much after 8am. Here's a pic of Scottie enjoying the last few moments of peace and quiet before all the kids got up.....

Here's Sydney discovering that we did, indeed, find a Wii for her. (Thanks to Aunt Dana in AZ)

Noah w/his train he's been asking for for weeks on end. He liked it so much that he had to be forced to open any of his other gifts. The girls ended up doing it for him. It was all about the choo-choo for Noah.
One of the only smiling pics I got of Reaghan for the day. Who knew the teenage years would be so hard to adjust to?
Later in the day Josh, Jacquelyn, and Mary Ella came over to play. Ella and Noah played suprising well together w/his trains.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family was otherwise engaged. Nick had to work so they weren't able to come up. Here's what Dana & Wes were doing out in Arizona.....I'm so jealous!!

Way to represent the Hogs on the slopes Dana!!

Thanks to Mom and Dad for this:
It's my Christmas and Birthday present for the year. It takes some great point and shoot pics, and I'm sure it'll take even better pics when I figure out all of the features.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas this year. Let's not forget to give thanks for all of the blessings that we've been given this year.



Alison said...

noah always asks me to come play with riley's choo choo so he will LOVE it! we retired riley's train and replaced it with a race track.

Lindsay said...

I had every intention of wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your actual birthday, but it just didn't happen! So-hope it was a good one!
Love the Christmas pics, too! And your house looks nice!