Friday, August 22, 2008

Nothing much...

I posted some new pics of the tile in the new house. The backsplash in the kitchen is all done, minus the grout. The tile guy is a bit slow, but is meticulous in his work, so I'll have to be patient. It isn't looking to me like we'll get to move next weekned, rather the weekend after, but at this point what's one more day/week??

I'm exhausted, work was busy today. Let me re-phrase that, I was busy at work today. Some days it's just hard to get it all together. Today was one of those days for me.

The girls are gone to the county fair w/friends tonight. Only Noah is at home. Why is it that no one ever wants to take him?? Maybe I'll have some tea, better yet a long island iced tea, and hit the sack early. Boy, that sounds like a good idea. I think I'll go do that.....have a nice weekend all.


1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Your house is looking so beautiful! I love the paint colors, light fixtures, & of course your fave sink!