Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Karen needs.....

I'm going to borrow this one from Scraptacular who borrowed it from a friend of hers. Go to Google and enter "your name" needs and see what you get. Here are some of the first ones that popped up for "Karen needs." Some I agree with, some ???

1. Karen needs a website-tomorrow.
2. Karen needs help- gay marriage in California.
3. Karen needs some gin.
4. Karen needs more CS training.
5. Karen needs a vocalist (so true)
6. Karen needs feedback.
7. Karen needs a new job.
8. Karen needs a lobotomy fund!! (probably so!)
9. Karen needs some ideas for a recipe.
10. Karen needs to get her a*$ off the ground and actually do some work. (I like this one!!)

Anyway, just thought I'd post a little random funniness. Enjoy!!



amoncrief said...

cute background.

Lindsay said...

I'm soooo glad you started a blog! And I was sooo close to using this exact background!